OWP 2022: Leading For the Future

→Sustainability People


PAST EXPERIENCE Identify a moment or moments when you were treated unfairly or excluded.

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REMEMBER THE RESULT Reflect on how that made you feel and how it affected your performance.

DON’T REPEAT IT Identify actions you can take to ensure that others don’t experience as you did.

WHAT IS YOUR SOLUTION? Instead of addressing ED&I from a high level academic perspective, get people to connect personally first. This helps them identify ways to making the workplace more equitable and inclusive. The goal is to create a merit-based system in which people have an opportunity to show what they can do. If people feel accepted and that they belong, they feel that they can perform to their full potential. We should focus on the similarities between us rather than on the differences. By heightening awareness, improving exposure, changing our behavior, and changing our systems we can achieve a much better deployment of talent and potential.



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