OWP 2022: Leading For the Future

Q&A →People Many executives still struggle to implement Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion practices A CRASH COURSE ON EQUITY, DIVERSITY, AND INCLUSION STRATEGIES WHAT IS YOUR HOT TOPIC? While most executives have increased their focus on creating diversity in their organizations, most still struggle with the concepts of equity and inclusion. How do you make them come alive and actionable in your workplace? WHY DOES THIS MATTER NOW? We all recognize the importance of equity, diversity, and inclusion, yet many executives feel that this area is a bit of a minefield because it is easy to make missteps. It is therefore key to understand the topic at a more personal level in order to identify concrete steps we can take in our own workplaces to support ED&I.

Insight session highlights

in their workplace. For ED&I to have a meaningful impact, it is important for employees to connect personally with the topic.

ROBERT HOOIJBERG Professor of Organizational Behavior at IMD



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