
→Diversity, Equity& Inclusion

97 % of people agree that language or words can influence or reinforce power dynamics in the workplace, while 87 % of people believe it is important for workplace discussions to focus on how language can evolve to be equitable or inclusive, according to the 2021 Language of Diversity report.

spokesman was removed from his job in 2017 for using the “N-word”, and Greg Clarke, Chairman of the English Football Association, resigned in 2020 for using “unacceptable” language while talking to members of parliament.

Words shape perceptions and actions. At the same time, many words have gendered, racist, or exclusionary associations and cause micro-aggressions. These are commonplace verbal slights that may communicate negative attitudes towards culturally marginalized groups. Consider how the gendered association of the phrase “Chairman of the Board”

favors men rather than women, or how hearing derogatory jokes about “people like you” affects a sense of belonging.

LANGUAGE AS AN ENABLER OF INCLUSION Global organizations influence society, and so it is useful that their leaders recognize language as a key enabler to creating respectful, inclusive cultures. At the same time, recognition of the importance of language to divide has resulted in serious consequences for the use of offensive language. For example, Netflix’s chief

LANGUAGE MATTERS A critical role of leaders is to frame experience, shape meaning, and engage people through their words and actions. It is, therefore, essential that they are attentive to how they lead through language and especially to the impact of their words. In short, words matter.



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