
→Diversity, Equity& Inclusion


1 Language is used to determine who fits in – evident in the with, hire, and rely on people with similar experience and backgrounds. How does your language reveal your biases? 2 Inclusive language includes words and phrases that avoid biases, slang, and expressions that discriminate against groups of people based on race, gender, socioeconomic status, and ability. Developing guidelines for inclusive language serves two objectives: It educates people on the significance of language and it provides alternatives to exclusionary or derogatory words – this gives people language to speak up against bias. 3 Language evolves to convey and reflect changes in society. To be an effective ally, it is important to be curious and informed about shifting linguistic changes and ask when unsure of how to address a colleague or an issue. Guidelines are helpful, but no checklist will provide immunity to linguistic blunders. When those happen, as they inevitably will, be REAL: Recognize, Explore, Apologize, and Learn. 4 The quintessentially human tendency for language can be enhanced with AI tools that identify inclusive or exclusionary language. For example, Textio’s insights can reveal language patterns evident in performance feedback or employer branding. common mantra to hire for “cultural fit”. The language of cultural fit replicates the affinity bias – which is the tendency to connect


THE LANGUAGE OF DIVERSITY (Institute for Public Relations, November 8, 2021)

When leaders are aware of the ways in which their language can include or divide, they can be intentional about how they communicate and role model language to create cultures of inclusion rather than division.

THE DIVERSITYANDCONFUSIONREPORT By Malissa Alinor (The Unmistakables, 2021)



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