The Customer Copernicus - Preview

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And beyond such Moments of Belief, there are unusual and tangible ways Timpson operates, an important part of the system that shows every- one ‘this is how we do things around here.’ For example: • Timpson’s unusual recruitment policy does not rely on formal tests, panels and CVs. Applicants need only supply a name and phone num- ber. Then it’s about getting a sense of the applicants – the look in their eyes, the readiness of their smiles, whether they are driven and ambi- tious in some way so they have energy. People rated as a 9/10 or 10/10 will be offered a position. It’s an informal scale that measures friendli- ness, positivity and warmth. The belief is that Timpson lives or dies by having truly Timpson people who can (and must) be given full freedom and authority. • There are just two rules for people working in stores: look the part and be 100% honest. Everything else is fexible. Timpson name badges are designed to encourage everyone to talk regardless of hierarchy. They bear the person’s frst name, when they joined and an outside interest or hobby. • Every store colleague has a £500 allowance to spend on their own initiative to settle a complaint. Requests by nervous area managers to be consulted before a pay-out is made are frmly discouraged as under- mining the potential for providing memorable service. • The only formal review process is the April Happy Index. One sheet of paper is given to everyone in the business. They are asked to rate the support from their area manager on a scale of 1 to 10. Most areas get close to a 100% feedback from stores, with ratings for every area manager. Many get 10/10 from everyone they work with, but this process can also spell the end of some area managers’ careers with Timpson. • Since there are no conventional sales targets for keys cut or shoes repaired, people are rewarded for a job well done in a customer-cen- tric rather than sales-centric way with a simple weekly bonus shared between the people in the store. The weekly target is 4.5 times the wages paid out in that shop during that particular week. Colleagues share 15% of all sales above the target. This gives everyone involved immediate feedback on how they are doing.

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