Smart City Index 2023

IMD Smart City Index 2023 Introduction: A More Precise, Relevant and Impactful Smart City Index

New Data at City Level The SCI’s methodology has been improved thanks to the acquisition of new data at the city level. The SCI was designed as a tool for action. Since it is based on people’s perceptions (surveys), it is critically important that the answers collected are calibrated to the specific context of the cities studied. For the 2021 Index and all prior editions, we relied on country-level Human Development Index (HDI) data provided by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Throughout the course of 2022, we explored the possibility of using city-level HDI data that could provide a more granular (and realistic) vision of the socio-economic environment of specific cities. The new SCI methodology is described in detail below. We believe that time invested in furthering our methodological approach was incredibly well spent and are excited by the applicability of the results obtained.

IMD Smart City Index 2023


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