OWP liVe Report


“We come froma background of wanting to control and thinkingwe knowhowpeople need to learn,”Wikander said, who is now PeopleGrowthExpert at BeyondLearning AB. “But today, we have to let go and be muchmore agile in thewaywewant people to learn and empower themselves.”

3. Measure the returnon your investment in training

Many companies provide trainingwith the belief that it works, without really validating the return on their investment. At Scandic, Bjurnerwas focused onmeasuring the impact of the new learningmodalities on guest satisfaction and net promoter scores (NPS) in their hotels. The engagement and empowerment that comes fromlearning leads tomore confident and knowledgeable employees, and this in turn drives the guest experience. “Always link learning to your company’s strategy,” Bjurner advocated. “Be paced and patient in your execution, and you’ll see great results.”


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