OWP liVe Report


Key takeaways

Bakker’s 5-step plan for howbusinesses can navigate the COVID-19 pandemic

• Get serious about inclusion, human rights and diversity in your supply chains and disclose that in your mandatory disclosures to have amore educated conversationwith your investor base. • Over time, that will lead to capital allocationmodels recognising these different elements of risks and opportunities. • The final prizewill be that the cost of capital will be reflected not just by your balance sheet strengths or your cash flowprojections but the environmental and the social aspects of your business, and that willmakemore sustainable businessesmore successful. It will be the start of a virtuous circle.

STEP 1 Respond immediately and prioritizemaintaining the health of employees STEP 2 Implement measures tomanage the financial viability of our businesses


STEP 3 Prevent supply chain collapse

STEP 4 Adjust to structural changes in the newnormal, from travel, to office life, to buying products STEP 5 Build in long-termresilience, to prevent being caught unawares, including for even deeper shocks such as climate change and inequality

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