OWP liVe Report


amazing example of leadership behavior that all leaders can learn to use.

of amosquito and they provoke all kinds of reactions,” explainedKohlrieser.

bases take onmany forms throughout life. They provide a sense of comfort and offer a source of energy and inspiration to explore, take risks and seek change. For Jelassi, during his governmentmandate, his secure bases in the face of turmoil and upheaval at the country level were his boss, thePrime Minister, and his colleagues in theCabinet. “Most people are filledwith toomany negative messages that prevent themfrombeing a secure base to themselves.Wewill always need external secure bases aswell. So it’s a combination of the two that provides the foundation for leaders to take risks, seek adventures,make tough decisions and find the courage to be a great leader,” said Kohlrieser.

Move quickly through it to a placewhere you hold your ‘person power’ and do not feel powerless,” saidKohlrieser. “Youhave to create a state of confidence based on an innerworld ofmanaging emotions, even if you are scared to death.” The brain is hardwired for survival so you must resist its natural default to look for danger. You always have the “executive power” to create or choose the state youwant. 5. Drawon your secure bases A sense of purpose for Kohlrieser and Jelassi’s psychological empowerment from thememory of his father are examples of “secure bases” that inspire. These secure

Help theother understand there is abenefit toengagingwith you. Youhave tounderstand what their pain is indriving that destructive behavior tomake that connection. Let curiosity drive your questions. 3. Start a dialogue Always remember to be outward focused – this is all about relationship-driven behavior. Once youhave a dialogue you canmove forward to find shared solutions.

Emotions like panic, threats and aggression are not conducive to problemsolving and effectivemanagement. To look outward and to de-escalate the emotions of others’ feelings, youwill need tomanage your own emotions. This is alsowhat Jelassi relied on during his negotiationswith studentsmaking irrational demands and protesting over a four-month period. 4. Manage your internalmindset “Never be a psychological hostage. You can be a psychological hostage to a boss, a team, an employee, a partner, or even to yourself.

Some 95%of hostage situations are solved through a negotiation process – it’s an


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