OWP liVe Report


Atriumfocus on priorities for customers, businessmodels, capabilities, investments, alliances, newways of working, leaders, andworkforces. 5. Don’t forget your vision When the sky is falling, itmakes sense to park long-termvisions, but you should not abandon them. Atriumwas partway through its “Destination 2025” planwhen COVID-19 struck. It switched to planning 90-day strategic sprints over a 12- to 18-month timeline, which could then form the new foundations of a longer-term vision.

“Sixmonths fromnow, there is going to be awhole newset of variables and dynamics that we don’t have visibility of now, sowe want to have aflexible enoughmodel and framework to be able to incorporate that into our strategy,”Woods explained.

4. Continue to innovate during reactivation

Hold on to lessons learned during the crisis as you transition backmore to “business as usual.” This could range fromnew- found agility, different ways ofmaking decisions, or newmodes of working. Companies can also leverage crises to accelerate transformation plans based on an assessment of the “next normal”. “It’s clear that we are not going back to the way thingswere,” saidWoods. He points to a reimagination framework that helps


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