To develop my organization’s pricing model, where should I start?

Begin with your customers, who connect with many different parties. What is their value constellation and what resources do they exchange? This process will help you to get a better idea of who creates value with whom. Remember: Some resources are monetary and others are non-monetary. In a second step, you must develop several different pricing or monetization models relevant to each player in the constellation. First, there are more potential payers in an emerging value constellation. Second, marginal costs are low in the digital market. This means that the acceptable price for me as a vendor has a large span that can run anywhere between your value perception to my costs. From a pricing perspective, this is a fantastic world where we can try out lots of different models. Why are there so many new pricing models emerging?

What role does big data play in this digital market?

While still important, the customer relationship may no longer be the central transaction from a marketing perspective. Instead, when we make use of the wider opportunities in the value constellation,

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