M A R K E T S Five digital marketing strategies to make you more customer-centric than your competitors

To compete in today’s digital world, companies need to be customer-centric and add value by solving their customers' headaches and giving them the best customer experience. Technology is only an enabler.

headaches. They know their customers better than anyone else by continuously collecting insights. They also innovate in every possible dimension; this means not only product innovation, but also process, business model and other areas. They offer more choice than anybody else, personalize the customer experience, scale up fast and make it easy for customers to buy, return and even complain.

Five generic digital marketing strategies

Professor Turpin put forward five digital marketing strategies to help organizations think through how they can add value to their customers. Using digital technology to fix the basics and solve your customers' headaches. Radically improve the buying experience by adding intelligence to products. Turn products into a personalized experience by providing meaningful value. 1 2 3

Customer centricity is, more than ever, your number one key success factor

The fundamental purpose of marketing is and always will be to understand, create and communicate value for customers, said Professor Dominique Turpin, the Dentsu Chaired Professor of Marketing in his OWP liVe session. That, he explained, will never change. What is changing is digital technology. Take Amazon and Alibaba, for example. What are the two tech giants specializing in e-commerce doing better than their competitors that makes them so successful? First, they focus on solving customers’ headaches; they don’t ask customers what they want, they act to eliminate their

DOMINIQUE TURPIN IMD Chaired Professor of Marketing

In other words, they are more customer- centric than their competitors.

“Digital technology is only an enabler,” said Professor Turpin. “If you want to survive in the new digital world, you need to know your customers better than anyone of your competitors and add value. You have to start with the customer experience, and work backwards to the technology.”


Create connections to communities.


Integrate multiple products.

Drawing on examples from leading and fast-growing brands around the world, Professor Turpin observed that there are common threads. Empowering customers to use products and services whenever they want, making the experience simple

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