as is moving away from the notion that sustainability is an add-on rather than an integral part of the company. ESG is no longer a side issue: it drives investors as its integration opens the door to risk assessment and management. Moncef Tanfour observed that there is no one- size-fits-all solution. “One of the lessons we have learned on this journey is to focus on the few relevant [UN] SDGs [out of the 17] to our company,” he said. It may have short-term costs, like any other R&D investment, but standing still is no longer an option: If you don’t move, you will be moved out.

opportunities created around sustainability force them to get to the compliance stage. From there, companies need to move into the advantage stage, using what happened to push limits and to gain strategic advantages.

"Crises are important when it comes to sustainability. Scandals and stigma drive improvement."

How can an industry that is associated with stigma such as tobacco or scandal like Monsanto engage constructively in the sustainability debate?

“Crises are important when it comes to sustainability. Scandals and stigma drive improvement,” said Professor Haanaes, adding that t hey can lead to greater change through global awareness and collaboration. The biggest pharmaceutical, oil, automobile and fast fashion scandals are no longer hidden away but are increasingly held accountable in mainstream and social media. These same industries are now driving sustainable solutions and waste reduction through better leadership and governance because, Haanaes explained, the


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