This second edition of OWP liVe was a truly global gathering involving 419 participants (including 109 IMD alumni) joining from 34 countries. The program offered 77 sessions featuring a range of opportunities to interact with faculty, guest speakers and one another. We are impressed and grateful so many of you took the decision to join us for these three days. In a very challenging world, you made the time to come together at OWP liVe to explore fresh ideas and seek inspiration to help you and your organizations thrive. We hope you did find some inspiration and guidance for your efforts. Following the program you had an opportunity for a few days to attend or attend again sessions you may have missed during the liVe program. But from now on, the onus is on you to ensure that you keep neurons firing often enough for them to wire together and help you keep

your insights and intentions very much alive. We hope that this OWP booklet, which contains summaries of several great sessions, will help you to do so. As we were preparing it, we were also remembering some of the key insights from our keynote speakers. Manchester First, there can be no success without incredibly hard work! Second, the secret of great coaches and leaders is that they are great simplifiers: They get to the heart of the challenges at hand and propose a simple-yet-powerful approach to overcoming them. Third, if you want to stay on top you have to keep learning and improving! Lifelong learning is just as essential in sports as in any other pursuit. Dr. Mostafa Terrab, Executive Chairman and CEO of Morocco’s OCP Group, explained how OCP transformed United legend, Peter Schmeichel, highlighted three key messages:

from a loss-making organization to a vibrant group doing well financially and contributing to a more productive and sustainable agricultural ecosystem. OCP moved upstream to higher value- adding activities through successive S-curves; it liberated the energies of its workforce by launching an extraordinary movement of empowerment, and it developed a truly multi-stakeholder perspective. Last and proverbially not least, neuroscientist Tania Singer shared with us exciting research results showing quite convincingly that human beings can develop their cognitive and emotional capabilities through relatively simple “brain training”. Twenty minutes a day over a few weeks produces changes that can be measured in our brains! Tania’s research very much echoes IMD’s perspective that it is possible to marry

compassionate and high-performance leadership – we call it “care to dare”. We hope that you will make some time to read the summaries that follow, and that they will help you to continue to challenge what is and inspire what could be in yourself and in your organization(s). Thank you for your participation in OWP liVe. We hope that our paths will cross again soon and, in the meantime, we wish you continued success.

Professor Jean-François Manzoni IMD President and Nestlé Chaired Professor

Professor Tawfik Jelassi Professor of Strategy and Technology Management

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