Change your brain, change your life: Three scientifically proven techniques to boost mental health andwell-being


You, too, can cultivate compassion, reduce stress and find happiness by using mindfulness and mental training techniques, said Professor Tania Singer in her OWP liVe keynote address. What if the antidote to burnout, stress and depression during these tumultuous times is just 30 minutes of mental training each day? This was the question tackled by Singer – Scientific Head of the Max Planck Society’s Social Neuroscience Lab – in her OWP liVe keynote address “Plasticity of the social brain: from training the mind and heart to a more caring society”. Singer shared lessons learned from her ReSource Project, a yearlong secular mental training program of over 300 participants aimed at cultivating attention, perspective taking, compassion and pro- social behaviors through meditation-based mental exercises. Emerging scientific fields such as social and contemplative neurosciences have produced promising findings in the area of brain plasticity – and

seeking knowledge in these areas is the first step.

and empathy techniques to gain understanding of challenges, learn how to address them and determine how to lead teams through necessary transformations.

IMD President and Nestle Chaired Professor Jean-François Manzoni touched on the possible macro-effects of this study in his introduction: “Caring economics studies to what extent biological and psychological factors can inform new economic models and decision-making skills.” On the individual level, the results of the ReSource Project point to reduced stress and improved mental and physical health. Singer’s research showed evidence that some of the project’s mental training modules reduced 51% of the social stress response of participants. “We need to change our internal mindset to face difficult global challenges,” said Singer. “If there is one thing we’ve learned during the pandemic, it’s that mental health is even more important than ever before.”

TANIA SINGER Professor, Scientific Head of the Max Planck Society’s Social Neuroscience Lab

“To reach peak performance – and be physically and mentally well – we require mental training throughout our lives,” said Manzoni, noting that we are today with mental training where we were 30 years ago with physical training. “Just like the gym, it requires ongoing effort.”

"We need to change our internal mindset to face difficult global challenges."

More and more business leaders and organizations are embracing mindfulness

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