Exploring group dynamics

Timing matters

There are specific tools that can get teams discussing their underlying dynamics. The following three are very effective:

People often think team development needs to happen at transition points, but in fact the most effective team development appears to happen when they are right in the middle of something. It’s important to consider that this type of dialogue isn’t a one-off, it is something that needs to be integrated into executive routines. Generally, these discussions will provide some relief, and then eventually the team will become stuck again. Ideally, leaders should set aside a half day every three months or a full day every six months for this type of dialogue. While having these discussions may not solve every problem facing your executive team, voicing the issues out loud reduces stress within the group, which goes a long way to restoring creative problem solving and effective collaboration.



Are simply representations of the members of the team using shapes and links to show how people interact. Have each team member use shapes and lines to represent how their team functions. Then open the floor for discussion of how and why they drew what they did.

The “bus exercise”


Ask each team member to draw a bus, then somewhere draw each team member on the page as well and add any background images they like.



You can ask team members to choose a picture they think is a metaphor for the team and how it is working. These exercises are all launch pads for discussing team dynamics and will give insights into the conflicts and groupings within the team that ordinarily are not openly acknowledged.

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