As Hooijberg said: “If the current limitations continue, there is the potential that cultures in companies will break down because we don’t have true joint experiences. Think about the individual joining an organization having never met their team in person. How do you build a common culture like that?” The key to achieving impact in the F2F in-person work environment is to spark purposeful focus, interpersonal bonding, deep learning, unencumbered experimentation and structured serendipity. “A lot of great conversations happen over informal chats at the coffee machine. A lot of great ideas are generated out of the formal business setting,” said Hooijberg. collaboration and acculturation. The key to acculturation would be to conduct a cultural assessment exploring the values and leadership principles and practices. Companies can use the assessments to create a shared culture, while the teams can explore approaches that take the best of both cultures and mitigate the weakest parts. To spark collaboration, leaders would need to select a location, facility and resources that promote focus and Say, for example, you are trying to integrate an acquisition into your company, which requires both

reflection, then take teams through experiences that encourage connection and build trust, and that promote the understanding of each other’s views and businesses. "If the current limitations continue, there is the potential that cultures in companies will break down because we don’t have true joint experiences. Think about the individual joining an organization having never met their team in person. How do you build a common culture like that?" said Hooijberg. Creating mixed groups of people from both organizations would help to explore new ways of working and organizing, as well as building relationships. This would generate ideas that no one could have predicted, thereby spurring structured serendipity.

Executives can use this example as a framework for leveraging the power of online work environments. In summary, in order to optimally use F2F in-person engagements:


Decide on what business issue you want to address.


Select the dimensions of impact that matter most for that business line, whether innovation, collaboration, acculturation and dedication.


Create the immersion design drivers, or a plan for sparking purposeful focus, interpersonal bonding, deep learning, unencumbered experimentation and structured serendipity.


The intervention is then ready to be implemented.

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