OWP 2022: Leading For the Future



WORK IN PROGRESS Web 3.0 has the potential to significantly reshape the global internet, but the technology is still immature.

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NOT PLAYING AROUND Metaverses will soon expand from their base in gaming.

CONTROL ISSUES Despite their promise to do the opposite, Web 3.0 and metaverses risk centralizing power in the hands of a few industry giants.

In order to prosper in the digital future, the key is to be ready for what lies ahead.

THE FUTURE IS HERE Metaverses promise to disrupt how we work, play, and communicate. So, business in the future digital age will need to be reimagined too. You will need to separate the promise of future disruption from the reality of today and examine what metaverses and Web 3.0 mean for you in both your personal and professional lives.



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