OWP 2022: Leading For the Future



What is the role of sensors and analytics in improving your operations? Is digitization and digital transformation the same thing or are they different?

Companies are increasingly looking to innovate and meet consumers’ growing expectations by building digital capabilities, mobile technologies, and analytics into their products and services. Increased connectivity, intelligence, and platform functionality have all become an essential competitive

edge across all sectors and it’s just a question of time before digital technology will transform (or create a new range of) products, services and business models. MAKING SENSORS In examining the rollout of your company’s digital transformation strategy, what role have sensors played? Today’s smart sensors collect and process multiple input types of information in real time, delivering data that provides actionable information.

With digital transformation, every organization becomes a data-driven one, so it’s important to expand your organization’s view of both sensors and analytics. How can they improve operations? Consider which processes in your business, currently slow and cumbersome, could potentially be transformed through upscaling its analytical capability. What is the value of the information you have collected?

AMIT JOSHI Professor of AI, Analytics and Marketing Strategy at IMD



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