OWP 2022: Leading For the Future


We encourage you to make time in your busy schedules in the coming weeks to revisit your OWP notes and take-aways so that you can reap the rewards of this unique development experience.

OWP22 Singapore highlights

As we like to say: neurons that fire together, wire together. The more those neurons fire together as you return to what you have learned, the stronger they wire together and the more likely they are to have a lasting, meaningful impact on your behavior and thinking. This post-event report, based on many of the leading-edge insights shared by our faculty in Singapore, seeks to provide an additional support for you in this continuous leadership development process.

IMD’s purpose is to “challenge what is, and inspire what could be”. Through that lens, we develop leaders who transform organizations and contribute to society. This has been in our DNA for decades, but it has never been more relevant to the needs of business today. Participating in OWP, we hope, has provided food for thought as you shape your own solutions to this complex challenge. But attending OWP, in itself, is only a first step. Now that you’re back in your working environment, please do not under-estimate in the weeks and months ahead the importance of continuing to reflect on everything you learned and absorbed during this OWP week. This cycle of ongoing revision will help to embed your OWP insights and bring them to life, so they can have real impact beyond the confines of the program.

Dear OWP participant, We hope you found the November 2022 edition of our Orchestrating Winning Performance (OWP) program rewarding and inspiring. It was a privilege for us and our faculty to share five memorable and thought-provoking days of learning and networking with you in Singapore. During an intense and energizing week, held for the first time at IMD’s new Executive Learning Center in Singapore, we explored how you can lead for the future and drive renewal and growth. Achieving this dual goal calls for courageous and responsible leadership, and this edition of OWP was designed to give you – and your team – the tools and insights to support you on that crucial journey.

We hope you will find it a useful companion for your post-OWP journey. With warm regards and until next time,

JEAN-FRANÇOIS MANZONI Nestlé Professor of Leadership & Organizational Development and President, IMD MISIEK PISKORSKI Professor of Digital Strategy, Analytics and Innovation and Dean of IMD Asia and Oceania



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