OWP 2022: Leading For the Future



KEEP UP TO SPEEDWITH PUBLICLY AVAILABLE INSIGHTS ON CHINA President Xi Jinping does not make decisions alone. He heads up a massive party system with its key decision makers, the Central Committee, at its heart. They hold multiple study and plenary sessions. This informs the design of their five year plans across all business, social, and environmental sectors. UNEQUAL ACCESS While there is no longer technical poverty in China (a significant feat of development and investment), it doesn’t mean that there aren’t poor people. A large part of the population lives on only $160 a month. Income inequality is growing and is becoming an increasing issue.


The world is massively investing in the region. As sectors like insurance and wealth management start to open up for foreign investment, Wall Street is raising capital and building funds in China. Technology is key for China and it is optimizing its innovations in a number of areas from batteries to AI technology. This market specific innovation drive is intended not only to leverage its own market, but global markets as well.

the US and China. Despite publicized trade wars, the power rivalry will likely continue for another at least 10 to 15 years. INNOVATION IS IMPERATIVE What is changing in China is that its economic growth rate is slowing, its social stability is increasing, and its focus on sustainability is growing. There is also a deepening of China’s innovation capabilities and on its self-reliance on these capabilities. In some instances, the Western world’s China policies have pushed the country towards this self reliance, which has turned out to be beneficial for China.

WHAT WILL CHANGE, WHAT WILL STAY THE SAME? To understand China, you need to do your homework, know how the system works, and learn who makes the decisions. The country’s size, diversity, and dynamics are not going to change. Neither will their political and social structure: its one-party, socialist government is still seen as highly legitimate in the eyes of the Chinese people. The other thing that will not change is the decade-long, very deep-rooted shuffle of power between two of the world’s greatest economies,


WHY INNOVATORS IN CHINA STAY CLOSE TO THE MARKET By Neil C. Thompson, Didier Bonnet, Mark J Greeven, Wenjing Lyu and Sarah Jaballah MIT Sloan Management Review Fall issue, 2022



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