OWP 2022: Leading For the Future



China’s influence will be felt across the world in the coming years. It’s essential to be ready.

Insight session highlights

From geopolitics to technology to culture and beyond, China will shape all of our lives in the decades to come. What happens in that country will be consequential for almost everyone, everywhere. China is, and will remain, an important economic and political player in the world. Regardless of whether you do business there or not, what happens in China does not stay in China.

climate, but in its regional economies as well. It’s also highly dynamic – many of the changes seen in the country have been part of an ongoing process that has spanned the last 40 years.

A COMPLEX COUNTRY There are vastly differing perspectives on China. We live in a world of echo chambers where narratives are shaped and repeated, so it’s wise to engage a variety of information sources about this economic behemoth. China is an enormous country of 1.5 billion people with great diversity throughout. It has significant regional differences – not only in geography, populations and

MARK GREEVEN Professor of Innovation and Strategy and CEO of IMD China



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