OWP 2022: Leading For the Future



NAVIGATING THE MODERNWORLD Great power conflict is back.

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OPPOSING FORCES A sorting of countries into rival camps is already underway. However, it will likely be less far reaching than during the Cold War. SHAPING OUR FUTURE Businesses will have to balance global supply chains and global operations with increasingly fractious politics.

For this reason, you should scrutinize the networks on which your company critically depends, identify the key network hubs that could serve as chokepoints or panopticons, and carefully monitor how key governments might be affecting your operations. Understanding current affairs can shape your company’s present and future.

SAFETY FIRST Leaders must appreciate that governments will increasingly prioritize national security when it comes to regulating business activities, especially with cross-border activities – even if it means a marginal loss of economic efficiency.


CHAINED TO GLOBALIZATION By Henry Farrell and Abraham L. Newton, Foreign Affairs, January/ February 2020



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