OWP 2022: Leading For the Future



A BALANCING ACT Be able and willing to balance your moral dilemmas.


IT’S TIME TO MAKE CHOICES Understand that sustainability, digital transformation, and economic growth are not all possible at the same time. Prepare yourself for a future where societies will have to make choices.

Ensuring that your company is prepared for all outcomes requires a continuous assessment of how social, political, and economic crises could impact your strategic objectives, both regionally and globally.


POWER TO SHAPE DECISIONS For any company, the efficiency of a country’s national economic strategy is a key element to factor into your business strategy and it is crucial to understand that one size does not necessarily fit all. A different approach might be required when working in an economic giant, for instance, as opposed to an emerging economy.

So, which countries are best positioned to navigate the future? How do we measure a country’s success? Is GDP the right metric? By analyzing the IMD World Competitiveness Rankings, it’s important to understand and explain why it is more likely for a company in the US to succeed, relative to an identical business in Argentina or Indonesia.



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