OWP 2022: Leading For the Future


The OWP Singapore sessions were structured around the 5s2 executive performance model. The model, based on extensive IMD research, shows that, to be successful, senior leaders need to master five areas: strategy, execution, stakeholders, people and self. In each of these areas, leaders must master two opposing classes of behaviors, as detailed below, which we often refer to as ambidexterity.

OWP participants who took the 5s2 assessment before attending the program were able to identify areas of strength and development opportunities. They then worked with coaches to identify the best selection of OWP sessions to develop their leadership skills.


Ambidextrous leaders frequently undertake adjustments to take advantage of short-term opportunities within the current strategy while devising long-term transformational plans which may render the current strategy obsolete. Ambidextrous leaders devise precise plans and contingency plans to achieve quarter by-quarter performance while frequently experimenting, and failing, to discover better ways of executing on strategy. Ambidextrous leaders are adept at using formal power to ensure alignment with stakeholders at the same time as building social networks to exercise informal power to accelerate the process of transformation. Ambidextrous leaders frequently direct others to achieve extraordinary performance, while being aware of when to step back, coach, and ask questions to enable others to develop their own execution plans. Ambidextrous leaders know how to maintain calm and confidence in the face of adversity at the same time as dealing with anxiety that they are not working hard or fast enough to achieve their and their organization’s goals.





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