OWP 2022: Leading For the Future


“We need our partners and customers to trust that we have their best interests at heart when we say that we want to help them decarbonize. We have to work with governments that are also learning and trying to roll out policies so that we can all work on this together. What is clear is that we can’t do it by ourselves,” explained Kah Peng. Another important element of enabling sustainable transformation has been embracing a learner’s mindset,” she added. “To enable a transformation, we need a culture where everyone is open to learning and to making mistakes, right up to the CEO level. You can’t ask people to take risks if they are going to be slapped on the wrist for doing so.”

A CULTURAL TRANSFORMATION “I can’t emphasize enough the cultural transformation that we have to put our own organization through to drive a transition of this scale, breadth, and depth,” said Kah Peng. This involves seeking out leaders who are both collaborative and integrative as the company seeks to work more closely with its customers than ever before in meeting and defining their energy needs. It’s also about building trust with all stakeholders.



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