OWP 2022: Leading For the Future


Lai explains that the relationship is determined by how the conductor interacts with the orchestra, how engaged he or she is, and how the conductor looks at them, responds to them, and relates to them. To demonstrate this in action, he invited participants to conduct an orchestra in situ, offering real-time feedback. He urged them to look at what was going on from an emotional and cognitive perspective and within their bodies during the experience, pointing out the importance of asking these same questions in a work environment. For Lai, what his years as a conductor have made clear is that to give the audience what they need, it is important to have a deep understanding of self to build a relationship with the orchestra.

Without this, he is unable to clearly communicate and connect with the audience. The same goes for a CEO needing to build a deep relationship with his team to adequately respond to the needs of the consumer. “It is important as leaders that you don’t try to hide,” said Lai. “I know there is a lot of talk about being vulnerable, but it is important. If we are trying to be less transparent, difficulties can arise. I hope you have seen today some of the leadership qualities that are required to be a conductor – and have noted the importance of having that sense of your cognitive center, your emotional center, and your body center, and the role they must all play to lead successfully.”



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