OWP 2022: Leading For the Future



During the final session of IMD’s Orchestrating Winning Performance (OWP) program in Singapore, faculty and participants shared their reflections and celebrated the spirt of collaboration and the embracement of diversity that was highly evident over the inspiring five-day program.

OWP Singapore, was the largest ever outside of Lausanne, bringing together a 242 people representing 35 nationalities and 26 industries. For many, the opportunity to get together reminded them of the importance of interaction in the workplace and the benefits of building strong partnerships. “We are building ecosystems, not ego systems,” said Kanishk Upadhyay, Executive Vice President and Head of Liabilities, Cards and Payments at Techcombank, reflecting on what he had learned. “We need to partner, and we need to collaborate better.” It was not only participants, but the faculty too, who emphasized the collaborative nature of the program. “We had constant conversations with all of you, all of the time,” said Howard Yu, IMD Professor of Management and Innovation.

“A lot of the last week has to do with working together to build partnerships, to build alliances, and to realize that the future is best created together rather than alone,” said Mark Greeven, IMD Professor of Innovation and Strategy and Chief Executive of IMD China. “We cannot predict the future, but we can build bridges and work together to create a future that we believe in,” he continued. “I was inspired to see people telling powerful leadership stories,” said Ric Roi, Professor of Leadership and Organization. “People were telling their own personal stories, understanding their own life, journey and narrative, and then putting that into compelling leadership messages.”



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