OWP 2022: Leading For the Future

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A PERSONAL RETROSPECTIVE Reflect on the past 10 to 20 years of your life, both professional and private: what were the peaks? Where did you feel energized, joyful, and at your best – and what achieved this? What were the valleys? When did you feel depressed, and de-energized – and what caused this? Doing this (best with a professional coach) will help you uncover your life’s important patterns and values. SET AN INTENTION Create a positivity list to counter your brain’s negativity bias. Every day, write down three things that were good.



THE LAWSOF HUMANNATURE By Robert Greene Publisher: Viking, October 23, 2018

WHAT IS YOUR SOLUTION? Effective leaders should have a healthy overview of various aspects of their personalities. Using the 5s2 framework, you can journey through your bright side, your inside, and your dark side. It’s important to identify key values that are relevant for you. It’s just as key to have an idea of where your leadership development journey might take you next.



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