OWP 2022: Leading For the Future

Q&A →People A psychologically safe environment is key for any team to properly function, but especially for high-performing teams to flourish and create value. PSYCHOLOGICAL SAFETY: HOW TO LEAD YOUR TEAM TO LEARN AND PERFORM WHAT IS YOUR HOT TOPIC? Most groups of people that we refer to as teams are not really teams at all. It is important to know the difference between groups, teams, and high performing teams in order to create the psychologically safe environment for high performing teams to flourish. WHY DOES THIS MATTER NOW? The COVID-19 pandemic challenged executives to justify bringing people together physically. By clearly demarcating the boundaries between groups, teams, and high-performing teams, executives are able to provide the rationale for when to bring people together to create value.

ROBERT HOOIJBERG Professor of Organizational Behavior at IMD



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