OWP 2022: Leading For the Future

Q&A →People How your ability to coach and develop others makes you a leader others want to follow. LEADING PEOPLE AS A COACH: CORE LEADERSHIP SKILLS FOR YOUR FUTURE, AND USING INFORMAL POWER AND INFLUENCE TO COACH AND DEVELOP PEOPLE WHAT IS YOUR HOT TOPIC? Transforming and leading organizations into the future requires a complementary set of leadership skills. Leaders who are well-grounded in their values and purpose inspire and influence others without formal authority. This informal power is best achieved through coaching and developing others. WHY DOES THIS MATTER NOW? Coaching helps any leader to develop the critical ‘bench’ strength of talent. Coaching is very effective in the mid to long term on task accomplishment as well as relationship building. The higher you are on the rungs of the organizational ladder, the less you will be able to accomplish with your own hands. You need to become effective through other people who are capable and in whom you can trust.

KATHARINA LANGE Affiliate Professor of Leadership at IMD



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