OWP 2022: Leading For the Future



COVERING ALL BASES Adopt the habit of thinking market versus nonmarket when it comes to your strategy.

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DEEPER UNDERSTANDING Practice putting yourself in the shoes of key stakeholders to understand their interests and needs.

MESSAGING IS KEY Remember that how you frame an issue affects who will support.


like into their organization’s core strategy conversation, rather than engaging them as an afterthought.

IN THIS TOGETHER If organizations want to thrive, they must break down the silos that traditionally exist between customer/competitor focused ‘market’ capabilities and government/community focused ‘nonmarket’ capabilities. This means integrating these strategies and bringing in colleagues from legal, communications, government affairs, community relations and the

WHAT EVERY CEO SHOULD KNOWABOUT NONMARKET STRATEGY By David Bach and David Bruce MIT Sloan Management Review, April 1, 2010 FRAME OR GET FRAMED: THE CRITICAL ROLE OF ISSUE FRAMING IN NONMARKET MANAGEMENT By David Bach and Daniel J Blake Berkeley Haas, California Management Review, Volume 58, issue 3, May 1, 2016



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