OWP 2022: Leading For the Future




WHAT IS YOURWHY? It’s all about the why. What is your corporate purpose and how is this purpose embedded into the organization? ENSURE ALIGNMENT How can you best address your most material issues? Align solutions with the core identity of your company.

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IT ALL STARTS WITH YOU You are a driver of change. What is the issue you deeply care about and how can you increase your influence to have an impact?

Business leaders can champion their organization’s

sustainability marketing. It requires a holistic approach of aligning sustainability with strategy, operations and culture, which in turn requires a clear, shared understanding of the company’s commitment to drive change from the top and throughout the organization. As a leader, don’t waste your energy trying to solve every problem out there. Focus on an issue you care deeply about and one that you can influence in a meaningful way.

CLOSING THE LOOP Circular business models are at the heart of the sustainable transformation – business leaders need to move away from linear to circular value chains, thereby ‘closing the loop’. A key question for your business is how you can phase out waste and better utilize materials.


sustainable business transformations by


understanding the relevance of sustainability developments. How are these developments evolving and what do they mean for your company? LEADINGWITH IMPACT As a leader, how can you ‘talk the walk’ on your sustainable transformation journey? Authentic and humble communication is crucial in

IN SUSTAINABILITY” By Frédéric Dalsace, IMD 2022



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