IMD World Talent Ranking 2020

54 th position. This down-shift results from declines across all talent factors. Russia decreases from 45 th to 47 th in the investment and development factor, from 59 th to 62 nd in appeal and from 36 th to 47 th in readiness. Under investment and development, all indicators place at the 48 th rank or below (except for secondary school pupil-teacher ratio, 27 th and female labor participation, 5 th ). Similarly, in appeal, all indicators drop or remain stagnant at the 51 st position or below (with the exception of effective income tax rate, 17 th , and the pollution measure at 31 st ). Russia’s performance in readiness is similar with most indicators ranking between the 43 rd (effectiveness of primary and secondary education) and 61 st (availability of senior managers with significant international experience) positions. Saudi Arabia declines from 29 th to 34 th mainly as a result of decreases in investment and development (from 28 th to 37 th ) and readiness (from 22 nd to 30 th ). In the former, the performance of Saudi Arabia slightly deteriorates in both measures of total public expenditure on education. Furthermore, the quality of education at primary school level shows a steep downturn. Under readiness, despite As discussed in the previous section, Russia drops to 54 th position and in so doing it places at the bottom 10 of the overall talent ranking. Similarly, Bulgaria declines to 55 th (from 52 nd ) entering the bottom of the ranking. Such deterioration results mainly form the readiness factor’s performance (dropping from 55 th to 57) in which Bulgaria slides in most indicators (to a varying extent) and rank at the 45 th position or lower with the effectiveness of university and management education both ranking at 61 st . In investment and development (45 th ), Bulgaria experiences a decline in secondary school pupil-teacher ratio to 41 st (from 36 th ) and the prioritization of employee training (61 st from 55 th ). Within appeal (57 th ), it slightly deteriorates in the quality of life ranking at 60 th place and in the implementation of justice placing at 54 th . Bulgaria’s performance in the attraction of foreign highly-skilled personnel, also shows a downturn from 50 th to 56 th . Mexico improves from 60 th to the 56 th but remains at the bottom of the table. The improvements mainly originate in the country’s performance in appeal (38 th from 40 th ) and readiness (38 th from 47 th ). In investment and development, Mexico remains in 62 nd position. In this factor, the country displays improvements in the implementation of apprenticeship programs (36 th from 42 nd ) and employee training (43 rd from 49 th ) but its performance in measures of total public expenditure on education and the quality of education remain weak with female participation in the labor force remaining at 54 th . Bottom 10 countries

an upturn in executives’ opinion about the availability of specific skills, graduates in sciences drops from 38 th to 45 th position, student inbound mobility from 30 th to 34 th and labor force growth from the 1 st to 4 th rank. Kazakhstan drops from 38 th to 44 th position in the overall talent ranking. It declines across all talent factors, sliding from 39 th to 41 st in the investment and development factor, from 39 th to 47 th in appeal and from 38 th to 50 th in readiness. The implementation of apprenticeship programs and employee training drop to 23 rd and 21 st , respectively. In addition, measures of total public expenditure on education remain low (59 th as a percentage of GDP, and 53 rd per student) despite some improvement in both. Under appeal, business executives’ perceptions about worker motivation plunges to 44 th position (from 30 th ); the prioritization of talent attraction and retention drops to 43 rd (from 34 th ); and the attractiveness of the country for overseas highly-skilled staff slides to 31 st (from 23 rd ). In the readiness factor, most indicators drop (to varying degrees) except for graduates in sciences, which improves two positions to 31 st , and student inbound mobility which remains at 50 th . motivation to 33 rd (from 42 nd ) - both contributing to the overall improvement in appeal. The availability of skilled labor (33 rd from 38 th ), finance skills (45 th from 53 rd ) and competent senior managers (38 th from 44 th ) mainly drive the country’s performance in readiness. Importantly, Mexico shows a decline in the graduates in sciences indicators (22 nd to 26 th ) and student inbound mobility (54 th to 59 th ). Romania drops to the 57 th rank (from 55 th ). At the factor level, it declines in appeal (from 52 nd to 53 rd ) and in readiness (from 50 th to 55 th ). A combination of downturn and stagnation in the indicators that measure appeal contributes to its slight drop. Among the indicators that experience a downturn are the prioritization of talent attraction and retention, worker motivation and the impact of brain drain. Among the stagnant indicators are the measures of remuneration (both at 50 th ) and the implementation of justice (47 th ). In the case of readiness, declines in the availability of skilled labor, finance skills and managers with significant international experience partially drive Romania’s performance in this factor. Colombia moves down to 58 th position (from 54 th ). It slightly declines in the appeal factor from 36 th to 37 th but experiences a steeper dip in readiness from 53 rd rank to 60 th . The downturn in appeal is mainly driven by a pessimistic turn in executives’ opinions in terms of the private sectors’ prioritization of attracting and retaining talent (55 th ), workers motivation (48 th ) and the quality of life (58 th ). In the case of readiness, all indicators that capture the availability of skills drop to different degrees; for example, the availability of skilled labor (46 th ) and of finance skills (49 th ). Measures of the effectiveness of the educational system also drop or remain stagnant; for example, the

The prioritization of attracting and retaining talent improves to the 46 th rank (from 54 th ) and the level of worker



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