IMD World Digital Competitiveness Ranking 2020

2.3.3 Wireless broadband (Penetration rate (per 100 people)) Passport GMID Source: © Euromonitor International 2020

The penetration rates of wireless broadband is calculated by dividing the number of Wireless Broadband subscribers by the total population and multiplying by 100. Wireless-broadband subscriptions refer to the sum of satellite broadband, terrestrial fixed wireless broadband and active mobile-broadband subscriptions to the public Internet. The indicator refers to total active wireless-broadband Internet subscriptions using satellite, terrestrial fixed wireless or terrestrial mobile connections. Broadband subscriptions are those with an advertised download speed of at least 256 kbit/s. In the case of mobile-broadband, only active subscriptions are included (those with at least one access to the Internet in the last three months or with a dedicated data plan). The service can be standalone with a data card, or an add-on service to a voice plan. The indicator does not cover fixed (wired)-broadband or Wi-Fi subscriptions. Both residential and business subscriptions should be included. 2.3.4 Internet users (Number of internet users per 1000 people/ Source: Computer Industry Almanac ) Computer Industry Almanac Inc. April 2018 National sources 2.3.5 Internet bandwidth speed (Average speed) M-Labs / Ookla Akamai OpenSignal Average connection speed in Mbps: data transfer rates for Internet access by end-users. Values presented are an average compiled from four different sources: M-Labs /; Ookla; Akamai; and OpenSignal. 2.3.6 High-tech exports (%) (Percentage of manufactured exports) The World Bank (Development Data Group) National sources High-technology exports are products with high R&D intensity, such as in aerospace, computers, pharmaceuticals, scientific instruments, and electrical machinery. The e-participation index (EPI) measures the use of online services to facilitate provision of information by governments to citizens (“e-information sharing”), interaction with stakeholders (“e-consultation”), and engagement in decision-making processes (“e-decision making”). “ 3.1.2 Internet retailing (US$ Per ‘000 People) Passport GMID Source: © Euromonitor International 2020 Retail Value excluding sales tax 3.1.3 Tablet possession (% households) Passport GMID Source: © Euromonitor International 2020 Percentage of households having at least one item. Portable, usually battery-powered, and very thin personal computer contained with a touchscreen panel. 3.1.4 Smartphone possession (% households) Passport GMID Source: © Euromonitor International 2020 Percentage of households having at least one item. A smartphone is a cellular telephone with an integrated computer and other features not originally associated with telephones, such as an operating system, Web browsing, music and movie player, camera and camcorder, GPS navigation, voice dictation for messaging, the ability to run software applications, etc. Factor 3: Future readiness Adaptive attitudes 3.1.1 E-Participation (Use of online services that facilitate public’s interaction with government) UN E-Government Knowledge Database



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