IMD World Digital Competitiveness Ranking 2020

User’s Guide to the IMD World Digital Competitiveness Ranking

Overall and Breakdown Digital Rankings

The IMD World Digital Competitiveness Ranking

The IMD World Digital Competitiveness Ranking presents the 2020 overall rankings for the 63 economies covered by the WCY. The rankings are calculated on the basis of the 52 ranked criteria: 32 Hard and 20 Survey data. The countries are ranked from the most to the least digital competitive and the results from the previous year’s scoreboard (2019) are shown in brackets. The index value or “score” is also indicated for each country.

Selected breakdowns of the IMD World Digital Competitiveness Ranking

In addition to global digital rankings, other rankings are provided to show comparisons based on different perspectives. These digital rankings include countries split by population size (populations above and below 20 million), by GDP per capita to reflect different peer groups (above and below $20,000) and three regional rankings drawn from different geographical areas (Europe-Middle East-Africa, Asia-Pacific and the Americas).

Digital Competitiveness Factor Rankings

The g l oba l r ank i ngs f o r eac h o f t he D i g i t a l Competitiveness Factors are then shown as individual ranking tables. Again, the economies are ranked from the most to the least digital competitive and the previous year’s rankings (2019) are shown in brackets. Similar to the Overall Digital Ranking, the values or “scores” are indicated for each Factor. However, there is only one economy that has a score of 100 and one economy with a score of 0 across all four Factors.

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97.922 92.031 89.770 89.199 88.825 86.145 85.380 85.105 84.485 82.499 81.821 81.028 81.012 80.839 80.438 78.196 77.848 76.335 73.636 71.021 70.902 70.092 69.565 68.812 68.773 67.891 66.615 66.603 66.239 66.083 66.003 65.852 64.937 62.942 62.641 62.488 60.941 58.381 56.231 55.703 55.374 54.920

(1)USA 1 (3) Singapore 2 (2) Switzerland 3

(4) Sweden 4 (5)Canada 5

(6)Denmark 6 (7)HongKong SAR 7 (18)China 8 (8) Israel 9

(11)KoreaRep. 10 (10)Austria 11 (12)Germany 12 (14)UnitedKingdom 13 (13)Netherlands 14 (9) Finland 15

(16)Norway 16 (15)Australia 17 (17)Taiwan,China 18

(19)Malaysia 19

(20) France 20 (23)Belgium 21 (25) Japan 22

(30) Estonia 23 (24) Ireland 24 (26) Lithuania 25 (22)Russia 26

(29) Iceland 27 (21)NewZealand 28 (27) Slovenia 29 (33) Poland 30

(35)UAE 31 (28) Spain 32 (31) Portugal 33

(32)Kazakhstan 34 (34) Luxembourg 35 (36) Latvia 36 (37)CzechRepublic 37



(40)Ukraine 38

(38) India 39 (55)Cyprus 40 (42)Croatia 41 (41) Italy 42

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