IMD Sustainability Report


Lausanne, July, 2020

We continue to promote responsible business leadership and sustainable practices through our teaching, advisory services and programs. We take seriously our influence on the leaders of today and tomorrow who pass through our institution on their way to greater responsibility. Our more than 50-strong faculty from 24 countries challenge and inspire 90 students in our MBA program and 120 students across two cohorts in our EMBA program each year. More than 9,000 executives participate inour openand custom executive education programs annually. With this direction in mind, IMD is pleased to renew its commitment to theUNPrinciples of Responsible Management Education (PRME) as an Advanced Signatory. In order to ‘walk the talk’, we have put in place an institutional policy reaffirming that commitment and developedamateriality framework identifying the core areas where we can make a unique contribution. These areas cover: responsible leadership development, cutting-edge education, access to executive education, workforce diversity and inclusion, and mobility and emissions. We will report on our progress and share effective practices and behaviors related to the six PRME principles of purpose, values, method, research, partnership and dialogue with others through our communications, network and reporting.

As a leading global business school in a rapidly changing environment, IMD is driven to develop leaders who build successful businesses that also deliver a positive impact on society and our planet. At IMD, we are convinced that, in the future, businesses will only do well by doing good. To embed this, in 2019, we embraced a new purpose that will underpin and inform all of our activities: “Challenging what is and inspiring what could be, we develop leaders who transform organizations and contribute to society.” This purpose means IMD will continue to encourageandhelpleadersandorganizations to integrate both social and environmental considerations in their decision-making and actions to build more sustainable economies around the world. One of our focus points on this front is the rigorous, relevant, insightful and actionable research we conduct into innovative organizations that are embracing systemic change and disruption to address the world’s most urgent challenges. More and more businesses see this as an opportunity for innovation, investment, greater relevance and market share. We are deepening our research into social innovation, philanthropy and sustainability thanks, in part, to newChairs createdwith the support of partners and donors. To further our impact, we are also collaborating with leading Swiss universities UNIL and EPFL on research as part of the newly launched Enterprise for Society Center.

Dr. Jean-Francois Manzoni IMD President and Nestlé Chaired Professor

Michel Demaré IMD Chairman

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