IMD Sustainability Report


P R M E P r i n c i p l e s

ACCESS TO EXECUTIVE EDUCATION At IMD, incorporating diverse voices is fundamental to understanding how to enable inclusive change in society. IMD is committed to increasing access to our programs through scholarships, targeted marketing and novel methods of program delivery. Increasing accessibility for female participants In the MBA class of 90 students, 28 percent were female in 2019, up from 23 percent in 2017. For its 2020 MBA intake, 34 percent of MBA students are women - a record high - and 63 percent of female students are also scholarship recipients. In the EMBA, female participants accepted for the 2020 programs rose to 22 percent up from 19 percent in 2017. In addition, the EMBA program has seen a year-on-year increase in female participants of between 10-14 percent since 2011. Scholarships Many individuals and organizations face financial hurdles to attend our programs. IMD intends to expand its number of scholarships. By offering scholarships, IMD aims to increase access to its MBA program and build the diversity of the class. In 2019, IMD awarded almost 1 million CHF in scholarships to 37 percent of the class of 90 participants. In 2018, IMD’s MBA program partnered with the Forté Foundation to work towards increasing the number of women in business leadership roles. As of 2019, IMD offered two Forté Fellowships a year (CHF 20,000 each) to strong female candidates applying to theMBA program. In total, 14 female participants in the MBA received a scholarship in 2019.

I am honored to have been selected for an IMD MBA Merit Scholarship. This gesture simply confirmed my initial intuition about IMD: an authentic MBA program that first and foremost fosters merit and diversity.”

Sara Jamil Customer Support Manager EMEAI, Honeywell Aerospace, Switzerland

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