IMD Sustainability Report



IMD faculty published a series of books related to sustainability focusing on strategy, business models, cities, and generating inter-generational dialogue.

Shades of Smart: How Cities Can Shape Their Own Future by Professor Arturo Bris, Adjunct Professor Christos Cabolis, Chan Heng Chee and Bruno Lanvin (2019) The book, consists of 16 case studies showcasing smart cities, a fascinating field for new experiments in a number of critical areas, ranging from urban planning, sustainable energy, and transport strategies to social integration and talent attraction. As leaders and citizens around the world continue to assess, design, implement and improve on ways to create better cities, they often find themselves confronted with a multitude of decisions and a wide range of partial solutions to specific problems such as traffic congestion, waste management and crime.


Recipient of an Axiom Business Book bronze medal.

Where the Wild Things Were by Affiliate Professor Susan Goldsworthy, Sydney Goldsworthy (2019) Informed by her work with senior executives who are being influenced by their children and grandchildren on the urgency of the planetary challenges we face, Goldsworthy has released an illustrated story book to generate dialogue and inspire action. Devised as a bedtime story of a grandmother telling her granddaughter about an alphabet of animals she played with when she

was young, ‘Where the Wild Things Were’ aims to entertain and educate, as well as motivate all generations to act together before it’s too late. The book is co-authored and illustrated by artist Sydney Goldsworthy, Susan’s daughter, and is for adults as well as children.

Recipient of an Axiom Business Book bronze medal.

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