IMD Sustainability Report



Wade, Michael. “Corporate Digital Responsibility: The Powerful Offspring of Sustainability and Digitization”. MIT Sloan Management Review, Special Series on Digital Resilience May 5, 2020 Cossin, Didier; Smulowitz, Stephen; Lu, Abraham. “Hidden In Plain View: Managerial Obfuscation, External Monitoring, and Their Effects On CSR.” Academy of Management Proceedings. Vol. 2019. No. 1. Miftakhova, Alena;Judd, Kenneth L.; Lontzek, Thomas S.; Schmedders, Karl. “Statistical Approximation of High- Dimensional Climate Models” Journal of Econometrics 214 (2020) 67–80; published online 31 May 2019

Jordan, Jennifer; Mulder, Laetitia B.; Rink, Floor “Constraining Temptation: How specific and general rules mitigate the effect of personal gain on unethical behavior” Journal of Economic Psychology Published online 9 December 2019 Smulowitz, Stephen; Mayo, Margarita; Becerra, Manuel. “Racial diversity and its asymmetry within and across hierarchical levels: The effects on financial performance” Human Relations October 2019, Volume 72, Issue 10, pp. 1671–1696; Published online 10 December 2018 Surroca, Jordi, Malgorzata Kurak, and Peter Vogel. “Family Firms and CSR: The Importance of the Affective Aspirations.” Academy of Management Global Proceedings 2018: 206.

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