IMD Sustainability Report


FACILITATING DIALOGUE TO SOLVE SOCIETAL CHALLENGES IMD also promotes responsible leadership through its engagement with NGOs, policymakers, business networks, peer groups and alumni. We facilitate, encourage and shape honest and courageous conversations on the impact of business on society, corporate responsibility and sustainability.

P R M E P r i n c i p l e s


The weekend-long event was attended by 350 alumni and featured sessions on finding purpose by Professor Vanina Farber; marketing for good by Professor Frédéric Dalsace and fighting the environmentally destructive fast fashion trend by Milena Amaral, an IMD alumnus and the CEO of a Brazilian fashion company, among others. The event featured vibrant faculty presentations and discussions around corporate agility, the role of innovation in China, the potential of circular economic models and integrating purpose into core strategy. It feels very inspiring to talk about what sustainability is and the components it has. It is like getting ahead of the curve and asking what are the best practices that I can bring back to my country. I believe that it is us who can change the agenda but, before we do it, we need to understand how can we bring it back in a meaningful way to the population.”

Engaging alumni around purpose IMD’s alumni network is an international, but close-knit, community of leaders operating in atightly interconnectedandcomplexbusiness environment. Many are grappling with the dilemma of securing short-term financial returns while simultaneously preserving our limited natural resources, ensuring positive social impact and long-term value. Some are even leading social enterprises focusing on both profit and purpose, for instance providing renewable energy and education to underprivileged communities. Our annual international alumni event, “The Future of the Planet – Inspiring What Could Be” provided inspiration related to the role of leadership and technology in meeting these global challenges.

Tetiana Lukyniuk Red Bull, Ukraine

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