IMD Research and Thought Leadership 2022



IMD-published outputs




Also published in

I by IMD

Abadir, Sameh

As M&A failure soars, here’s how to walk away from a deal unscathed Toolkit for strategic leading through a crisis: Here are the five skills you need

I by IMD , 18 August 2022 I by IMD , March 2022, no. 5, pp. 38-40 I by IMD , 30 November 2022 I by IMD , June 2022, no. 6, pp. 14-17

Abadir, Sameh; Pisani, Niccolò

I by IMD Brain Circuits

Agnevall, Håkan

Social costs key challenge when going green

Andersson, Emil; Khanna, Yavnika; Assane Oumarou, Tahirou

How to harness the power of Generation Z

Anseel, Frederik

What’s really behind the sputtering supply of talent?

I by IMD , 8 July 2022

Bach, David IMD Center for Sustainable and Inclusive Business Bach, David IMD Center for Sustainable and Inclusive Business Bach, David IMD Center for Sustainable and Inclusive Business Bach, David IMD Center for Sustainable and Inclusive Business Bach, David IMD Center for Sustainable and Inclusive Business Bach, David IMD Center for Sustainable and Inclusive Business

Peter Bakker

I by IMD , 3 February 2022

It’s time to reinvent capitalism, says World Business Council for Sustainable Development CEO

I by IMD , 8 February 2022

Businesses need both carrot and stick to accelerate progress on gender equity

I by IMD , 25 March 2022

Zoe Chance

I by IMD , 30 June 2022

His royal shyness and how to cultivate charisma

I by IMD , June 2022, no. 6, pp. 53-55

It’s time for a "moonshot mentality" on climate change

I by IMD , 23 September 2022

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