IMD Research & Thought Leadership 2021

2021 IMD Research Outputs Brochure


Tomorrow’s Challenges , March 2021

Farber, Vanina; Reichert, Patrick elea Center for Social Innovation

Landmark financial sustainability regulation is finally here. Now what?

Tomorrow’s Challenges , February 2021

Harvard Business Review (original),,, The Australian, The Company Dime, Shanghai Daily-Shine, Kauppalehti,, Harvard Business Review Special Issue

Fayard, Anne-Laure; Weeks, John R.; Khan, Mahwesh

Dynamically designed around human connection, the hybrid office is the workplace your team needs

Tomorrow’s Challenges , March 2021

Frontiers in Psychology (original), I by IMD Brain Circuits

Feenstra, Sanne; Begeny, Christopher T.; Ryan, Michelle K.; Rink, Floor; Stoker, Janka I.; Jordan, Jennifer

Contextualizing the impostor “syndrome”

Tomorrow’s Challenges , March 2021

Girod, Stéphane J. G.; Králik, Martin

Everyone can and should be agile – but not always do agile

Tomorrow’s Challenges , February 2021

Hooijberg, Robert; Watkins, Michael D.

Designing powerful blended leadership development experiences

Tomorrow’s Challenges , January 2021

Meister, Alyson

Why hidden agendas are stopping you from sticking with your goals

Tomorrow’s Challenges , January 2021

Shanghai Daily-Shine

Muhdi, Louise

Learning to learn: Five steps to create a curious organization

Tomorrow’s Challenges , January 2021

Nie, Winter; Chadha, Nikhil

Homemade jam never tasted so good: Focus on the basics in 2021

Tomorrow’s Challenges , February 2021

Nie, Winter; Greeven, Mark J.; Feng, Yunfei

5 new retail trends underway in China, that the rest of the world needs to know about

Tomorrow’s Challenges , February 2021

Nie, Winter; Wang, James J. D.; Feng, Yunfei

Fortunes and forecasts: Why China’s GDP has weathered the global storm and is likely to continue to do so Behind the design of the COVID vaccine was one company pivoting at lightning speed and taking leaps of faith

Tomorrow’s Challenges , March 2021

Pulcrano, Jim; Manzoni, Matthieu

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