IMD Research & Thought Leadership 2021

2021 IMD Research Outputs Brochure


Executive summary

2021 was a record-breaking year for IMD’s research and thought leadership enterprise. The intellectual contributions produced and detailed within this report combine thought leadership and practical experience and play a key role in the fulfillment of IMD’s mission to challenge what is and inspire what could be to develop leaders who transform organizations and contribute to society. IMD’s research and thought leadership meets the rigorous standards expected of top academics and is relevant, insightful, and actionable for its target audiences. By meeting these criteria, IMD’s research output enriches the debate and finds resonance around the world with leaders, organizations, academics, executive education peers and current and future business professionals.

In 2021, Faculty members and research teams wrote 115 cases and teaching notes, 1 11 books, 14 book chapters, and 95 academic and practitioner articles. Alongside these publications, Faculty and researchers contributed to 181 media articles and 167 IMD-published articles. In 2021, 17 articles were published by IMD Faculty and researchers 2 in journals that are part of the FT50 3 list. Of those, 5 were in Harvard Business Review (HBR) and MIT Sloan Management Review (SMR) . IMD faculty had the third most published number of articles (27) in HBR and SMR combined for the 2017-2021 period, behind only Harvard and MIT.

1 Including case studies, teaching notes, videos and other supplementary materials. 2 IMD Faculty and researchers are listed in bold. 3 The Financial Times ’ top fifty management journals . Articles reported last year as ePubs are not included.

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