IMD Research & Thought Leadership 2020




Also published in

Nikkei Asian Review , 5 November 2020

Wade, Michael R.; Teracino, Elizabeth A. Global Center for Digital Business Transformation Watkins, Michael D.

China clips Jack Ma's wings with Ant Group IPO delay , 14 May 2020

35 ways to do “virtual-micro-team- building” 5 strategies for coaching leaders who struggle to connect with their teams Same storm, different boats: Use a 'COVID-19 stress index' to assess your people's energy reserves COVID-19 and the future of the city: profoundly change the future of cities, especially if it is just the first of a series of new "Disease X" pathogens Don't waste a good crisis: You should start planning to thrive after the crisis passes at the same time you are dealing with the immediate challenges It’s time to stop the herd stupidity in dealing with the coronavirus COVID-19 has the potential to Why you should offer to pay your domestic help not to work throughout the Corona Crisis Seven principles for leading virtual teams effectively Reimagine now to thrive in the “next normal” , 1 May 2020

Watkins, Michael D. , 30 April 2020

Watkins, Michael D. , 29 April 2020

Watkins, Michael D. , 5 April 2020

Watkins, Michael D. , 15 March 2020

Watkins, Michael D. , 14 March 2020

Watkins, Michael D. , 24 April 2020

Watkins, Michael D.; Kurz, Marla

Watkins, Michael D.; Peterson, Chandra; Shrestha, Rasu

American Healthcare Leader , 15 September 2020


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