IMD Research & Thought Leadership 2020




Also published in

Channel NewsAsia , 27 September 2020

Reinmoeller, Patrick; Yu, Howard H.

Are the best days of Big Tech over?

IMD Center for Future Readiness

The Hill , 31 July 2020

Schmedders, Karl; Judd, Kenneth L.

The real view from Europe on coronavirus relief in America Why the U.S. government needs a new corporate bailout structure— one that doesn’t rely on loans The pandemic might create a clearing in the woods , 17 April 2020

Schmedders, Karl; Judd, Kenneth L.

The Business Times

Seifert, Ralf W.; Markoff, Richard

Shanghai Daily- Shine , 15 December 2020, p. A6 Shanghai Daily- Shine , 14 October 2020

Strebel, Paul

On balancing conflicting stakeholder interests

President Online , 27 March 2020

Takashi, Naoshia

How to deal with the risk of loss of sadness by encouraging you to look ahead from the COVID-19 Making the CEO transition an easy one

Teach, Donna; Watkins, Michael D.

American Healthcare Leader , 31 December 2020 , 15 April 2020

Déconfinons ! Déconfinons ?: Esquisse d’une

Thoenig, Mathias; Rohner, Dominic;

Jondeau, Eric; Gabay, Cem; Fasel, Nicolas; Danthine, Jean-Pierre; Brülhart, Marius; Bonardi, Jean-Philippe; Bris, Arturo IMD World Competitiveness Center

stratégie combinant facteurs sanitaires et économiques

Bilan , 8 April 2020, p. 33

Turpin, Dominique

Nous n'en sommes qu'aux balbutiements des changements à venir There are as many ways of doing philanthropy as philanthropists The five stages of the Chief Digital Officer - and why they often fail

Africa CEO Forum , 29 September 2020

Vogel, Peter

IMD Global Family Business Center Wade, Michael R. Global Center for Digital Business Transformation

WEF Forum , 12 February 2020

The Mandarin, The Print, Tomorrow's Challenges, The European Sting


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