IMD Research & Thought Leadership 2020

Tomorrow’s Challenges



Publication Also published in

Cossin, Didier; Bourqui, Elisabeth

3 key challenges to central bank governance – and how they are reshaping the global economy

Tomorrow's Challenges , February 2020 Tomorrow's Challenges , January 2020 Tomorrow's Challenges , June 2020 Tomorrow's Challenges , September 2020 Tomorrow's Challenges , August 2020

IMD Global Board Center

Dalsace, Frédéric

Rethinking capitalism: An opportunity for Switzerland

Tribune de Genève (original) (original)

Enders, Albrecht; Häggström, Lars; Lalive, Rafael

How reskilling can soften the economic blow of COVID-19

Channel the diversity of ideas to navigate uncertainty

Farber, Vanina

elea Center for Social Innovation

Diversity matters: The power of female leadership in impact investment

Farber, Vanina

elea Center for Social Innovation

Filliez, Fabrice

What Switzerland and Singapore have in common: Swiss Ambassador to Singapore Fabrice Filliez reflects on the 2020 IMD World Competitiveness Ranking 5 ways brands can be successful in the new retail space of 2021 Five ways businesses can contribute to a more balanced post-coronavirus future Will 2020 be the year China takes the lead on sustainability?

Tomorrow's Challenges , June 2020

Girod, Stéphane J. G.

Tomorrow's Challenges , December 2020 Tomorrow's Challenges , April 2020 Tomorrow's Challenges , January 2020 Tomorrow's Challenges , May 2020

Girod, Stéphane J. G.; Olynec, Natalia

The Conversation (original) , Forbes. com India,

Greeven, Mark J.; Povea, Rilito; Nedopil, Christoph


The story of a billion-dollar fashion retailer refusing to have its wings clipped

Greeven, Mark J.; Shan, Jialu; SU, Chen; XIAO, Jiang

Global Center for Digital Business Transformation

Haanaes, Knut

The new business models and tech that will make this an even better ‘roaring 20s’

Tomorrow's Challenges , December 2020

Jordan, Jennifer

Leading virtual teams in times of disruption

Tomorrow's Challenges , March 2020 Tomorrow's Challenges , July 2020 Tomorrow's Challenges , July 2020

Tribune de Genève, Fö, LederNytt

Joshi, Amit M.

Profit or ethics? The false data dilemma

Here is how countries can get back to work without a COVID-19 vaccine

Joshi, Amit M.; Wade, Michael R. Global Center for Digital Business Transformation

Forbes India


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