IMD Research & Thought Leadership 2020

— You, Ya; Srinivasan, Shuba; Pauwels, Koen; Joshi, Amit M. “How CEO/CMO characteristics affect innovation and stock returns: Findings and future directions,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, November 2020, vol. 48, issue 6, pp. 1229–1253, — Zheng, Wei; Meister, Alyson ; Caza, Brianna. “The stories that make us: Leaders’ origin stories and temporal identity work,” Human Relations, ePub before print, 10 March 2020, — Van der Straaten, Khadija; Pisani, Niccolò ; Kolk, Ans. “Unraveling the MNE wage premium,” Journal of International Business Studies, December 2020 (Special issue: 50th anniversary issue, part 2), vol. 51, no. 9, pp. 1355-1390, — Subramaniam, Mohan; Piskorski, Mikolaj Jan . “How legacy businesses can compete in the sharing economy,” MIT Sloan Management Review, Summer 2020, vol. 61, issue 4, pp. 31-37 — Parra-Moyano, José; Schmedders, Karl ; Pentland, Alex “Sandy.” “What managers need to know about data exchanges,” MIT Sloan Management Review, Summer 2020, vol. 61, issue 4, pp. 39-44 — Lücker, Florian; Chopra, Sunil; Seifert, Ralf W . “Mitigating product shortage due to disruptions in multi-stage supply chains,” Production and Operations Management, ePub before print, 20 October 2020, — Smulowitz, Stephen ; Rousseau, Horacio E.; Bromiley, Philip. “The behavioral theory of the (community-oriented) firm: The differing response of community-oriented firms to performance relative to aspirations,” Strategic Management Journal, June 2020, vol. 41, issue 6, pp. 1023-1053, — Smulowitz, Stephen ; Almandoz, Juan. “Predicting employee wrongdoing: The complementary effect of CEO option pay and the pay gap,” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, ePub before print, 30 November 2020, — Strebel, Paul; Cossin, Didier; Khan, Mahwesh . “How to reconcile your shareholders with other stakeholders,” MIT Sloan Management Review, Fall 2020, vol. 62, issue 1, pp. 63-69 — Chastain, Andrew P.; Watkins, Michael D. “How insider CEOs succeed,” Harvard Business Review, March/April 2020, vol. 98, issue 2, pp. 68-75 — Yu, Howard H.; Greeven, Mark J. “How autonomy creates resilience in the face of crisis,” MIT Sloan Management Review, Summer 2020, vol. 61, issue 4, pp. 11-12


Executive summary

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