IMD Research & Thought Leadership 2020

Harvard Business Review Digital / MIT Sloan Management Review Blog Author(s) Title Journal

Also published in

Wade, Michael R.; Joshi, Amit M.; Greeven, Mark J.; Hooijberg, Robert; Ben-Hur, Shlomo Global Center for Digital Business Transformation Watkins, Michael D.; Yaziji, Michael

How intelligent is your AI?: Ask these four questions to tell if your AI solution is really AI

MIT Sloan Management Review Blog , 22 June 2020

Looking for opportunity in the midst of crisis

MIT Sloan Management Review Blog , 22 May 2020

Other practitioner journal articles




Also published in

Supply Chain Movement , 27 July 2020

Cordon, Carlos Global Center for Digital Business Transformation Kohlrieser, George; Dhanaraj, Charles Müller, Benjamin; Lalive, Rafael; Lavanchy, Maude

Digitize supply chains but don't expect a universal approach The hidden perils of unresolved grief Le coronavirus accélère la numérisation du travail Corona beschleunigt Digitalisierung der Arbeit How leaders can overcome their biases to succeed in the post-crisis world Strategically pay your customers for their productivity Hybrid strategies and the new face of retail

Tomorrow's Challenges (original)

Mckinsey Quarterly , 10 September 2020 La Vie économique , 20 May 2020

Quartz, Yahoo! Finance

Die Volkswirtschaft

Die Volkswirtschaft , 20 May 2020

Müller, Benjamin; Lalive, Rafael; Lavanchy, Maude

La Vie économique (original)

Obwegeser, Nikolaus; Tentillier, Noemie; Yokoi, Tomoko Global Center for Digital Business Transformation Ranjan, Kumar Rakesh; Schumann, Jan H.; Michel, Stefan; Read, John Stuart Toulan, Omar; Pisani, Niccolò

The European Business Review , May-June 2020

Rutgers Business Review , Fall 2020, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 319-325

The European Business Review , 22 January 2020

Tomorrow's Challenges


Other practitioner articles

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