IMD Research & Thought Leadership 2020

Harvard Business Review Digital / MIT Sloan Management Review Blog Author(s) Title Journal

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Abadir, Sameh

The two roles leaders must play in a crisis

MIT Sloan Management Review Blog , 22 September 2020 , 19 May 2020

The case for reopening economies by sector

Bonardi, Jean-Philippe; Bris, Arturo; Brülhart, Marius; Danthine, Jean-Pierre; Jondeau, Eric; Rohner, Dominic; Thoenig, Mathias IMD World Competitiveness Center Driscoll, Mary; Watkins, Michael D. Enders, Albrecht; Häggström, Lars; Lalive, Rafael Greeven, Mark J.; Yu, Howard H. Jordan, Jennifer; Wade, Michael R.; Teracino, Elizabeth A. Joshi, Amit M.; Wade, Michael R. Global Center for Digital Business Transformation Meister, Alyson; Zheng, Wei; Caza, Brianna Obwegeser, Nikolaus; Yokoi, Tomoko; Wade, Michael R.; Voskes, Tom Global Center for Digital Business Transformation Wade, Michael R. Global Center for Digital Business Transformation Greeven, Mark J.; Yu, Howard H.; Shan, Jialu Jordan, Jennifer

AKIpress News Agency , 18 May 2020

Onboarding a new leader — remotely How reskilling can soften the economic blow of COVID-19 In a crisis, ecosystem businesses have a competitive advantage Why some retailers are thriving amid disruption Lessons in agility from a dancer turned professor Every leader needs to navigate these 7 tensions , 8 June 2020

Tomorrow's Challenges , 23 April 2020

MIT Sloan Management Review Blog , 29 June 2020 , 6 April 2020 , 20 February 2020


The building blocks of an AI strategy

MIT Sloan Management Review Blog , 10 August 2020 , 10 August 2020

What's your leadership origin story? 7 key principles to govern digital initiatives

MIT Sloan Management Review Blog , 1 April 2020

Corporate responsibility in the digital era

MIT Sloan Management Review Blog , 28 April 2020

Three proactive response strategies to Covid-19 business challenges

Wade, Michael R.; Bjerkan, Heidi

MIT Sloan Management Review Blog , 17 April 2020

Global Center for Digital Business Transformation


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